The leader of the Trade Union “Kyzmet” congratulated with the Day of the civil servant of the Republic of Kazakhstan
24.06.2024 Off By Администрация сайтаJune 23 is a single professional holiday for civil servants in Kazakhstan.
On this day, civil servants receive congratulations and good wishes. The development and success of any State depends primarily on the efficient work of civil servants.
In advance of the celebration the Civil Servant Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Branch Trade Union “Kyzmet” Mirbolat Zhakypov visited and congratulated the primary trade union organization of the Public Union “Local Professional Union of employees of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other government agencies and organizations”.

The leader of the Branch Trade Union warmly thanked those present for their work and dedication to public service. He wished good health, professional growth, well-being, good luck in hard work in the name of serving the people for the benefit of strengthening the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The most active members of the Branch Trade Union “Kyzmet” were awarded for their participation in the trade union movement, long-term diligent work, responsible attitude to their official duties.