Governing bodies


The supreme body of the Trade Union is the congress, which is convened by the Central Committee of the Trade Union at least once every five years. The date and venue of the congress, the agenda, the rate of representation, the procedure for electing delegates to the congress shall be established by the plenary no later than two months before it begins.

The central governing bodies of the Trade Union is the congress – the highest governing body; The Central Committee of the Trade Union is a governing elected collegiate body; The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union is a permanent executive elected collegiate body, the Chairman of the Trade Union.

The control and auditing body of the Trade Union is the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union.

An extraordinary congress is convened by decision of the Trade Union or at the request of at least half of the organizations affiliated to the Trade Union no later than one month before its holding.

The congress is considered valid if at least two thirds of the elected delegates took part in its work.

Trade Union Congress:

– hears and discusses reports on the activities of the Trade Union and the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union, assesses their work, makes decisions on them, determines the immediate tasks and priority areas of the Trade Union;

– approves the Charter of the Trade Union, the Regulations on the structural units of the Trade Union and the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union, makes amendments and additions to them;

– elects members of the Central Committee of the Trade Union or confirms their powers in the case of the formation of the Committee on the principle of direct delegation;

– elects the Chairman of the Trade Union (new – as a rule, from the reserve approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union), and on the proposal of the Chairman of the Trade Union elects a deputy chairman, chairman and members of the Audit Commission;

– approves the Regulation on the amount and procedure for compulsory deductions and distribution of membership fees in the Trade Union;

– decides on the termination of the activities of the Trade Union;

– adopts, within the limits established by legislative acts, decisions on the participation of a non-profit organization in the creation or activities of other legal entities, as well as its branches and representative offices;

– makes any other decisions related to the activities of the Trade Union;

Presidium of the Central Committee, Chairman:

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union is a permanent executive elected collegiate body, the Chairman of the Trade Union.

To conduct operational and ongoing work, the Central Committee of the Trade Union elects a presidium composed of the Chairman of the Trade Union, his deputy, members of the presidium. Presidium meetings are held as necessary, but at least four times a year and more than half of the members elected to the presidium are considered eligible for participation in their work.

Presidium (permanent executive collegiate body of the trade union)

– convenes meetings of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, determines its agenda and venue;

– controls the implementation of decisions of the Congress and the Trade Union of the industry;

– determines the main provisions of sectoral agreements and monitors their implementation;

– organizes and coordinates work on the training of trade union personnel and assets, summarizes and disseminates the experience of trade union activities;

– approves the structure and staffing of the apparatus of the Trade Union, at the suggestion of the Chairman, approves the heads of structural divisions of the apparatus;

– decides on the entry of the Local Trade Union into the Branch Trade Union as a member organization;

– determines the list of statistical data submitted by structural units to the Trade Union bodies;

– manages the property and funds of the Trade Union within the limits of authority determined by the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

– makes decisions on incentives and penalties for trade union workers and activists;

– approves the estimate of income and expenses of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, makes decisions of a regulatory nature on the issues of possession, use and disposal of the property of the Trade Union;

– determines and approves the procedure for remuneration, official salaries of the chairman and deputy trade union, approves recommendations for remuneration of full-time employees of the structural units of the trade union;

– decides on the verification of the statutory and financial activities of the structural units of the Trade Union, if violations are detected, suspend their banking operations until the issue is finally resolved;

– cancels the decisions of lower-level trade union organizations and trade unions that contradict the Charter and decisions of collegiate bodies of the Trade Union, informs the Trade Union members on the merits of such decisions;

– defines a unified personnel policy in the Trade Union, including the selection, placement and training of trade union personnel, the formation of a reserve for leadership positions in the Trade Union;

– in case the presidium of the branch does not consider the issue of personal responsibility of the chairmen of the structural units of the Union for non-compliance with the Charter and decisions of higher-level trade unionists, and in the event of a gross violation of the Charter of the Trade Union on the specified grounds of violations, it considers this issue and decides on early release from posts. About the decision, inform the members of the trade union branch;

– approves the decision on the election of the chairmen of the Trade Union branches. In the case of non-approval of the candidate being considered, decides on the holding of repeat elections, with the nomination of other candidates;

– analyzes the indicators of financial reporting, controls the timeliness and completeness of the receipt of trade union membership fees;

– considers and approves the annual consolidated financial report for the Trade Union as a whole;

– hears reports of heads of structural divisions of the Trade Union on the implementation of the Charter of the Trade Union and the decisions taken;

– creates commissions and other permanent or temporary working bodies, gives them powers;

– performs other functions delegated to it by the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

Where necessary, decisions of the presidium may be made by questionnaire in writing.

Central Committee:

In the period between congresses, the central body of the Trade Union is the Central Committee of the Trade Union, headed by the Chairman of the Trade Union. Meetings of the Central Committee of the Trade Union are held as necessary, but not less than once a year, and are considered eligible with the participation of more than half of the elected members.

Central Committee of the Trade Union:

– organizes and monitors the implementation of the decisions of the congress and statutory tasks of the Trade Union;

– represents and protects the rights and interests of the Trade Union in state, judicial, economic bodies and public organizations;

– coordinates the activities of the Trade Union structural units, provides them with organizational, methodological, advisory and legal assistance, conducts personnel and financial policies;

– reports on its activities to the Trade Union Congress;

– hears reports of the leaders of the Trade Union and its structural subdivisions on the implementation of the Charter of the Trade Union and the decisions taken;

– determines the procedure for nominating candidates for the position of the Trade Union Chairman;

– elects the Presidium of the Trade Union, hears its reports and makes decisions on them;

– conducts the election of the Trade Union Chairman in case of early termination of powers;

– elects or delegates its representatives to trade union associations (the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, the International Organization of Trade Unions, the General Confederation of Trade Unions);

– confirms the authority of members of the Central Committee of the Trade Union in cases of recall and replacement;

– makes decisions on the timing and procedure for holding reports and elections in the Trade Union;

– approves the Regulations on the work of the permanent Commissions of the Union;

– performs other functions delegated to it by the Trade Union Congress.

Сontrol and auditing body :

The control and auditing body of the Trade Union is the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union.

The Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union is elected at the Trade Union Congress.

The Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union carries out audits and inspections of the activities of elected bodies at all levels.

The Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union shall, on a mandatory basis, carry out audits and inspections of local trade unions during the first year of activity, subsequently after the end of the financial year.

The audit commissions of the structural units of the Trade Union, including local trade unions, in their work are accountable to the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union and ensure the implementation of its decisions.

The Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union is elected by the members of the Control and Auditing Commission of the Trade Union and ex officio is a delegate of the Trade Union Congress;